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So long… for now.

4 Mar

Well, now that we have had our 500th visitor and are just picking up steam, we are going to shut it all down. Why? Cause the only purpose was to fight Percy Wright. Now that his website is down, we too are going to lay down our arms.

Which is too bad, because we were just about to start into our posts naming names about the co-conspirators of Percy Wright: the woman who took pictures of Cornerstone posters at the Ontario NDP office for Percy, the former party youth member who wrote a crybaby rant for Percy, and, of course, the council “Guest” who thought in-camera meant he could whip out his camera and snap some pics. We were investigating a few other leads too, but why continue?

What is interesting is how Percy Wright’s blog just disappeared after ours got attention following provincial council. Maybe we had something to do with it, maybe not. But I guess we will (hopefully) never know.

Who is Percy Wright?

11 Feb

Ladies and gentlemen of the internet it has come to our attention that there is blog. This blog is run by the anon “Percy Wright” and she/he/they use it to smear people with internet rage.

Call us a bunch of Ontario NDP cry babies, but we just don’t like how petty the anonymous blog is.

  • We hate how it is petty. Making fun of how people look no matter how fashionably disastrous is not productive. It is mean and bullying.
  • We hate how it is not political. Our party prides itself on policy, issues and being a social conscious so let’s debate out things that matter.
  • We hate how it is a pack of lies. Get real you conspiracy theorists.
  • We hate that it is censored. The comments on the site are moderated so alternative voices are shut out. Personal attacks and lies can not be countered. She/he/they isn’t interested in debate for the purpose of growth, but only focused on the destruction of individuals.
  • We hate that it is creating a poisonous culture. Obviously.

Over all, we find that she/he/they isn’t interested in debate for the purpose of growth, but only focused on the destruction of individuals.

With that in mind, we are going open a public, collaborative space to talk about WHO IS PERCY WRIGHT.